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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
378건 중 378건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
371 저널기사 Monetary non-neutrality and the intertemporal approach to the balance of trade: The UK trade 미리보기
Pasula, Kit Blackwell 1997
372 저널기사 Measuring exchange market pressure and intervention in interdependent economies: A two-country 미리보기
Weymark, Diana N Blackwell 1997
373 저널기사 Managing the Public Debt: The Optimal Taxation Approach 미리보기
Missale, A. BLACKWELL 1997
374 저널기사 Aggregate Poverty Measures 미리보기
Zheng, B. BLACKWELL 1997
375 저널기사 Learning and Bounded Rationality 미리보기
Williamson, P. BLACKWELL 1997
376 저널기사 Currency quandary: The choice of invoicing currency under exchange-rate uncertainty 미리보기
Johnson, Martin Blackwell 1997
377 저널기사 Mansur (Yusuf M.). Fuzzy Sets and Economics: Applications of Fuzzy Mathematics to Non-Cooperative Oligopoly 미리보기
Levine, L. BLACKWELL 1997
378 저널기사 The Ten Commandments for Organizing a Conference 미리보기
McAleer, M. BLACKWELL 1997
맨앞 이전 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 
