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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Risk Aversion in Rent-Seeking and Rent-augmenting Games 미리보기
Konrad, K. A. BLACKWELL 1997
22 저널기사 Partial ownership arrangements and collusion in the automobile industry 미리보기
Alley, Wilson A Blackwell 1997
23 저널기사 The restructuring and privatisation of Britain's CEGB--was it worth it? 미리보기
Newbery, David M Blackwell 1997
24 저널기사 Market-structure determinants of national brand-private label price differences of manufactured 미리보기
Hinloopen, Jeroen Blackwell 1997
25 저널기사 Minimum quality standards and collusion 미리보기
Ecchia, Giulio Blackwell 1997
26 저널기사 On strategic quantity bidding in multiple unit auctions 미리보기
Tenorio, Rafael Blackwell 1997
27 저널기사 The provision of (two-way) converters in the transition process to a new incompatible technology 미리보기
Choi, Jay Pil Blackwell 1997
28 저널기사 The differentiation triangle 미리보기
Canoy, Marcel Blackwell 1997
29 저널기사 Partial ownership arrangements and collusion in the automobile industry 미리보기
Alley, Wilson A Blackwell 1997
30 저널기사 Sequential auctions of interdependent objects: Israeli cable television licenses 미리보기
Gandal, Neil Blackwell 1997
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
