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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Physicochemical characterization of WO~3/ZrO~2 and WO~3/Nb~2O~5 catalysts and their photoactivity for 4-nitrophenol photooxidation in aqueous dispersion 미리보기
Martin, C Chapman and Hall 1997
92 저널기사 Study of the interfacial phenomena during friction surfacing of aluminium with steels 미리보기
Chandrasekaran, M Chapman and Hall 1997
93 저널기사 Microcracks in chromium electrodeposits 미리보기
Martyak, N. M Chapman and Hall 1997
94 저널기사 Preparation and characterization of a clay-polyvinylpyridinium matrix for the removal of bacterial cells from water 미리보기
Seckin, T Chapman and Hall 1997
95 저널기사 Low-temperature interface reaction in aluminium-silicon carbide particulate composites produced by mechanical alloying 미리보기
Noble, B Chapman and Hall 1997
96 저널기사 Wear of engineering ceramics by a soft abrasive 미리보기
Czernuszka Page, J. T. T. F. Chapman and Hall 1997
97 저널기사 Effect of solution pH on the synthesis of the YBa~2Cu~4O~8 superconductor via an EDTA solution process 미리보기
Wu, M. K. Sheen, S. R. Chen, D. H. Huang, Y. Chapman and Hall 1997
98 저널기사 Mode II delamination failure mechanisms of polymer matrix composites 미리보기
Shaw Ming Lee Chapman and Hall 1997
99 저널기사 The tensile strength of short fibre-reinforced composites 미리보기
Lowe, T. C. Zhu, Y. T. Blumenthal, W. R. Chapman and Hall 1997
100 저널기사 Effect of thermal annealing on the microstructure of ytterbium-implantedsilicon wafers 미리보기
Zhou, Y. Q. Chen, H. Li, F. H. Yang, Y. Chapman and Hall 1997
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