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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
105건 중 105건 출력
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41 저널기사 Real exchange-rate prediction over long horizons 미리보기
Mark, N. C North-Holland 1997
42 저널기사 Pass-through of exchange rates and purchasing power parity 미리보기
Feenstra, R. C North-Holland 1997
43 저널기사 Are currency crises self-fulfilling? A test 미리보기
Jeanne, Oliver North-Holland 1997
44 저널기사 Capital income and profit taxation with foreign ownership of firms 미리보기
Huizinga, Harry North-Holland 1997
45 저널기사 Are exchange rate bands better than fixed exchange rates? The imported credibility approach 미리보기
Coles, Melvyn North-Holland 1997
46 저널기사 Central bank intervention and risk in the forward market 미리보기
Baillie, Richard T North-Holland 1997
47 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Williamson, Jeffrey G North-Holland 1997
48 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Desai, Padma North-Holland 1997
49 저널기사 Producer services, comparative advantage, and international trade patterns 미리보기
van Marrewijk, Charles North-Holland 1997
50 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Baldwin, Robert E North-Holland 1997
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