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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Capital markets and dimension in neoclassical models of growth with trade 미리보기
Cremers, E. T North-Holland 1997
82 저널기사 Exporters, skill upgrading, and the wage gap 미리보기
Bernard, A. B North-Holland 1997
83 저널기사 Foreign direct investment and relative wages: Evidence from Mexico's maquiladoras 미리보기
Feenstra, R. C North-Holland 1997
84 저널기사 Strategic trade policy with incompletely informed policymakers 미리보기
Brainard, S. L North-Holland 1997
85 저널기사 Tariffs and Schumpeterian growth 미리보기
Dinopoulos, E North-Holland 1997
86 저널기사 Strategic managerial delegation and trade policy 미리보기
Das, S. P North-Holland 1997
87 저널기사 A simultaneous trade model of the foreign exchange hot potato 미리보기
Lyons, R. K North-Holland 1997
88 저널기사 Politics and exchange rate forecasts 미리보기
Blomberg, S. B North-Holland 1997
89 저널기사 Black markets for currency, hoarding activity and policy reforms 미리보기
Goldberg, L. S North-Holland 1997
90 저널기사 Credit constraints and human capital accumulation in the open economy 미리보기
Cartiglia, F North-Holland 1997
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