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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 French Banks and European Strategy 미리보기
Marois, B. PERGAMON PRESS 1997
22 저널기사 Concepts and Technologies for Virtual Organizing: the Gerling Journey 미리보기
Loebbecke, C. PERGAMON PRESS 1997
23 저널기사 The Versatile Organisation: Achieving Centuries of Sustainable Growth 미리보기
Turner, R. PERGAMON PRESS 1997
24 저널기사 Reinventing Strategic Management: New Theory and Practice for Competence-based Competition 미리보기
Sanchez, R. PERGAMON PRESS 1997
25 저널기사 The Theory of the Flagship Firm 미리보기
Rugman, A. PERGAMON PRESS 1997
26 저널기사 Protecting the Core Competencies of a Company: Intangible Asset Security 미리보기
Harvey, M. PERGAMON PRESS 1997
27 저널기사 The Individualized Corporation: An Interview with Sumantra Ghoshal 미리보기
Ghoshal, S. PERGAMON PRESS 1997
28 저널기사 The International Mobility of French Managers 미리보기
Osborn, D. PERGAMON PRESS 1997
29 저널기사 Adaptation to Change: Vertical and Horizontal Integration in the Drug Industry 미리보기
Karrer-Rueedi, E. PERGAMON PRESS 1997
30 저널기사 Strategy and Organisation: Challenges for European MNCs in Asia 미리보기
Schuette, H. PERGAMON PRESS 1997
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