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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 On the Quantum Probability Flux Through Surfaces 미리보기
Zanghi, N. Daumer, M. Goldstein, S. Duerr, D. Plenum Press 1997
32 저널기사 On Vlasov Manev Equations. I: Foundations, Properties, and Nonglobal Existence 미리보기
Illner, R. Bobylev, A. V. Dukes, P. Victory, H. D. Plenum Press 1997
33 저널기사 Logarithmic Corrections and Finite-Size Scaling in the Two-Dimensional 4-State Potts Model 미리보기
Salas, J. Sokal, A. D. Plenum Press 1997
34 저널기사 Optimal Multigrid Algorithms for Variable-Coupling Isotropic Gaussian Models 미리보기
Brandt, A. Galun, M. Plenum Press 1997
35 저널기사 Lyapunov Instability of the Boundary-Driven Chernov Lebowitz Model for Stationary Shear Flow 미리보기
Posch, H. A. Dellago, C. Plenum Press 1997
36 저널기사 Analytic Solutions of Linearized Lattice Boltzmann Equation for Simple Flows 미리보기
Luo, L.-S. Plenum Press 1997
37 저널기사 Ground-State Correlation Functions for an Impenetrable Bose Gas with Neumann or Dirichlet Boundary Conditions 미리보기
Kojima, T. Plenum Press 1997
38 저널기사 Minimal Sandpiles on Hexagonal Lattice 미리보기
Priezzher, V. B. Ktitarev, D. V. Plenum Press 1997
39 저널기사 Stable Quasicrystalline Ground States 미리보기
Miekisz, J. Plenum Press 1997
40 저널기사 Relativistic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process 미리보기
Mallick, K. Debbasch, F. Rivet, J. P. Plenum Press 1997
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