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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
167건 중 167건 출력
3/17 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Notes, comments, and letters to the editor 미리보기
Aoyagi, Masaki Academic Press 1998
22 저널기사 Pollution claim settlements under correlated information 미리보기
Pesendorfer, Martin Academic Press 1998
23 저널기사 Factor analysis and Arbitrage Pricing in large asset economies 미리보기
Al-Najjar, Nabil I Academic Press 1998
24 저널기사 Decreasing serial cost sharing under economies of scale 미리보기
de Frutos, M. Angeles Academic Press 1998
25 저널기사 On the long run implications of repeated moral hazard 미리보기
Phelan, Christopher Academic Press 1998
26 저널기사 A maximal domain for the existence of strategy-proof rules 미리보기
Ching, Stephen Academic Press 1998
27 저널기사 A dynamic equilibrium model of search, bargaining, and money 미리보기
Coles, Melvyn G Academic Press 1998
28 저널기사 Habit persistence in overlapping generations economies under pure exchange 미리보기
Lahiri, Amartya Academic Press 1998
29 저널기사 Repeated implementation 미리보기
Kalai, Ehud Academic Press 1998
30 저널기사 Feasible Bayesian implementation with state dependent feasible sets 미리보기
Hong, Lu Academic Press 1998
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