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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 An Econometric Analysis of I(2) Variables 미리보기
Haldrup, N. BLACKWELL 1998
22 저널기사 Approximations to the Asymptotic Distribution of Cointegration Tests 미리보기
Doornik, J. A. BLACKWELL 1998
23 저널기사 The Puzzle of Jobless Growth in Indian Manufacturing 미리보기
Bhalotra, S. R. BLACKWELL 1998
24 저널기사 Material Labour Supply and Child Nutrition in West Africa 미리보기
Glick, P. BLACKWELL 1998
25 저널기사 The Effect of School Size on Exam Performance in Secondary Schools 미리보기
Bradley, S. BLACKWELL 1998
26 저널기사 Why Are Older Pensioners Poorer? 미리보기
Johnson, P. BLACKWELL 1998
27 저널기사 Market Services: Productivity Benchmarks for the UK 미리보기
O'Mahony, M. BLACKWELL 1998
28 저널기사 Indexation and Wage Change Settlement: Evidence from Spanish Manufacturing Firms 미리보기
Jimenez-Martin, S. BLACKWELL 1998
29 저널기사 Intergenerational Mobility in Britain: Evidence from Unemployment Patterns 미리보기
O'Neill, D. BLACKWELL 1998
30 저널기사 Ethnicity and Self-Employment in Britain 미리보기
Clark, K. BLACKWELL 1998
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