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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Tax and non-tax distortions 미리보기
Kaplow, Louis North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
72 저널기사 Externalities vs internalities: A model of political integration 미리보기
Ellingsen, Tore North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
73 저널기사 Annual versus lifetime income redistribution by social security 미리보기
Nelissen, Jan H. M North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
74 저널기사 Fiscal federalism and redistributive politics 미리보기
Dixit, Avinash North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
75 저널기사 Demand for telephone lines and universal service in Spain 미리보기
Rodriguez-Andres, Antonio North Holland Pub. Co 1998
76 저널기사 Is firm size conductive to R&D choice? A strategic analysis of product and process innovations 미리보기
Yin, Xiangkang North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
77 저널기사 Cooperative agreements and theory of firm: Focusing on barriers to change 미리보기
Sachwald, Frederique North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
78 저널기사 Indenturing banknotes as a mechanism to induce cooperation in conflict games 미리보기
Kritikos, Alexander S North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
79 저널기사 `A matter of trust': Effects of communication on the efficiency and distribution of outcomes 미리보기
Valley, Kathleen L North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
80 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Samuelson, Larry North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
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