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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
61건 중 61건 출력
6/7 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Notes on Sequence Economies, Transaction Costs, and Uncertainty 미리보기
Arrow, K. J. ACADEMIC PR 1999
52 저널기사 Sequential Moves and Tacit Collusion: Reaction Function Cycles in a Finite Pricing Duopoly 미리보기
Wallner, K. ACADEMIC PR 1999
53 저널기사 Dynamical Systems with a Continuum of Randomly Matched Agents 미리보기
Alos-Ferrer, C. ACADEMIC PR 1999
54 저널기사 Incomplete Information, Incentive Compatibility, and the Core 미리보기
Vohra, R. ACADEMIC PR 1999
55 저널기사 R&D Cooperation and Growth 미리보기
Cozzi, G. ACADEMIC PR 1999
56 저널기사 A General Extension Theorem for Binary Relations 미리보기
Duggan, J. ACADEMIC PR 1999
57 저널기사 A Two Stage Sequential Auction with Multi-Unit Demands 미리보기
Katzman, B. ACADEMIC PR 1999
58 저널기사 Multi-Commodity Consumer Search 미리보기
Rupert, J. ACADEMIC PR 1999
59 저널기사 Perfect Foresight and Equilibrium Selection in Symmetric Potential Games 미리보기
Hofbauer, J. ACADEMIC PR 1999
60 저널기사 Far-Sightedness and the Voting Paradox 미리보기
Chakravorti, B. ACADEMIC PR 1999
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