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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
92건 중 92건 출력
2/10 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 A revelation principle for competing mechanisms 미리보기
Epstein, Larry G Academic Press 1999
12 저널기사 Reputation versus social learning 미리보기
Jackson, Matthew O Academic Press 1999
13 저널기사 Wealth effects in the principal agent model 미리보기
Thiele, Henrik Academic Press 1999
14 저널기사 Perturbed adaptive dynamics in coalition form games 미리보기
Agastya, Murali Academic Press 1999
15 저널기사 Innovation, growth, and welfare-improving cycles 미리보기
Francois, Patrick Academic Press 1999
16 저널기사 Far-sightedness and the voting paradox 미리보기
Chakravorti, Bhaskar Academic Press 1999
17 저널기사 On coalition-proof Nash equilibria in common agency games 미리보기
Konishi, Hideo Academic Press 1999
18 저널기사 Endogenous vs exogenously driven fluctuations in vintage capital models 미리보기
Boucekkine, Raouf Academic Press 1999
19 저널기사 Herding and the winner's curse in markets with sequential bids 미리보기
Neeman, Zvika Academic Press 1999
20 저널기사 Herding and the winner's curse in markets with sequential bids 미리보기
Neeman, Zvika Academic Press 1999
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