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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
711건 중 500건 출력
5/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Analysis of the EOQ repair and waste disposal problem with integer setup numbers 미리보기
Richter, Knut Elsevier 1999
42 저널기사 The EOQ and backlogging derived without derivatives 미리보기
Grubbstrom, Robert W Elsevier 1999
43 저널기사 On the sensitivity of project variability to activity mean duration 미리보기
Elmaghraby, S.E Elsevier 1999
44 저널기사 Activity-based costing for production learning 미리보기
Andrade, M.C Elsevier 1999
45 저널기사 Integrated decision modelling of supply chain efficiency 미리보기
Li, Ding Elsevier 1999
46 저널기사 Inventory theory: new perspectives for corporate management 미리보기
Krautter, Jochen Elsevier 1999
47 저널기사 The choice of replenishment policies in an MRP environment 미리보기
Hautaniemi, Petri Elsevier 1999
48 저널기사 Manufacturing systems with machine vacations, arbitrary topology and finite buffers 미리보기
Kavusturucu, Ayse Elsevier 1999
49 저널기사 A financial portfolio approach to inventory behaviour: Japan and the UK 미리보기
Corbett, Jenny Elsevier 1999
50 저널기사 Analysis of order review/release problems in production systems 미리보기
Sabuncuoglu, I Elsevier 1999
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