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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
711건 중 500건 출력
8/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


열거형 테이블형
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 The performance of two popular service measures on management effectiveness in inventory control 미리보기
Zeng, Amy Zhaohui Elsevier 1999
72 저널기사 Minimum cost safety stocks for frequent delivery manufacturing 미리보기
Maia, Luis Otavio Aleotti Elsevier 1999
73 저널기사 A review of the stochastic lot scheduling problem 미리보기
Sox, Charles R Elsevier 1999
74 저널기사 A heuristic for bi-objective vehicle routing with time window constraints 미리보기
Hong, Sung-Chul Elsevier 1999
75 저널기사 A dynamic efficiency model using data envelopment analysis 미리보기
Sengupta, Jati K Elsevier 1999
76 저널기사 The effect of (s,S) ordering policy on the supply chain 미리보기
Kelle, Peter Elsevier 1999
77 저널기사 Are push and pull systems really so different? 미리보기
Bonney, M.C Elsevier 1999
78 저널기사 A decision network algorithm for multi-stage dynamic lot sizing problems 미리보기
Gencer, Cevriye Elsevier 1999
79 저널기사 Just-in-time purchasing: An investigation for research and applications 미리보기
Gunasekaran, A Elsevier 1999
80 저널기사 Consolidating distribution centers can reduce lost sales 미리보기
Bordley, Robert Elsevier 1999
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