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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 The information-aggregation approach to political institutions 미리보기
Piketty, Thomas IASP 1999
22 저널기사 Boom in, bust out: Young households and the housing price cycle 미리보기
Ortalo-Magne, Francois IASP 1999
23 저널기사 The size and scope of government: Comparative politics with rational politicians 미리보기
Persson, Torsten IASP 1999
24 저널기사 Theoretical comparisons of electoral systems 미리보기
Myerson, Roger B IASP 1999
25 저널기사 Political economy, information and incentives 미리보기
Laffont, Jean-Jacques IASP 1999
26 저널기사 R&D cooperation or competition? 미리보기
Petit, Maria Luisa IASP 1999
27 저널기사 Pecuniary emulation, inequality and growth 미리보기
Corneo, Giacomo IASP 1999
28 저널기사 On relative performance contracts and fund manager's incentives 미리보기
Eichberger, Jurgen IASP 1999
29 저널기사 Regulation and access pricing with asymmetric information 미리보기
De Fraja, Gianni IASP 1999
30 저널기사 Why is central Paris rich and downtown Detroit poor? An amenity-based theory 미리보기
Brueckner, Jan K IASP 1999
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