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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Ricardian equivalence: Long-run Leviathan 미리보기
Smetters, Kent North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
52 저널기사 The effect of taxes on labour in efficiency wage models: A comment 미리보기
Carter, Thomas J North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
53 저널기사 State alcohol policies, teen drinking and traffic fatalities 미리보기
Dee, Thomas S North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
54 저널기사 An empirical study of matching grants: The `cap on CAP' 미리보기
Baker, Michael North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
55 저널기사 Implementing tax coordination 미리보기
Dhillon, Amrita North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
56 저널기사 Modeling charitable contributions of time and money 미리보기
Duncan, Brian North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
57 저널기사 The optimal linear taxation of employment and self-employment incomes 미리보기
Parker, Simon C North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
58 저널기사 A comment on `The Kaldor compensation test and rational choice' 미리보기
Lahiri, Somdeb North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
59 저널기사 Incomplete contracting and price regulation 미리보기
Bos, Dieter North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
60 저널기사 Inter vivos transfers and intended bequests 미리보기
McGarry, Kathleen North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
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