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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
52건 중 52건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 The rise and fall of the Amex Emerging Company Marketplace 미리보기
Aggarwal, Reena North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
12 저널기사 The impact of cash flow volatility on discretionary investment and the costs of debt and equity 미리보기
Minton, Bernadette A North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
13 저널기사 Optimal choice of contracting methods: Negotiated versus competitive underwritings revisited 미리보기
Logue, Dennis E North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
14 저널기사 The determinants and implications of corporate cash holdings 미리보기
Opler, Tim North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
15 저널기사 Ownership and board structures in publicly traded corporations 미리보기
Denis, David J North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
16 저널기사 Does stock price elasticity affect corporate financial decisions? 미리보기
Hodrick, Laurie Simon North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
17 저널기사 Deregulation, disintermediation, and agency costs of debt: Evidence from Japan 미리보기
Anderson, Christopher W North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
18 저널기사 Investor flow and the assessed performance of open-end mutual funds 미리보기
Edelen, Roger M North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
19 저널기사 Long-term returns from equity carveouts 미리보기
Vijh, Anand M North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
20 저널기사 Financial contracting under extreme uncertainty: An analysis of Brazilian corporate debentures 미리보기
Anderson, Christopher W North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
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