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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
52건 중 52건 출력
5/6 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Using genetic algorithms to find technical trading rules 미리보기
Allen, Franklin North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
42 저널기사 Ex-day behavior with dividend preference and limitations to short-term arbitrage: The case of 미리보기
Green, Richard C North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
43 저널기사 Stock-based incentive contracts and managerial performance: The case of Ralston Purina Company 미리보기
Campbell, Cynthia J North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
44 저널기사 An analysis of mutual fund design: The case of investing in small-cap stocks 미리보기
Keim, Donald B North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
45 저널기사 Deregulation and the adaptation of governance structure: The case of the U.S. airline industry 미리보기
Kole, Stacey R North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
46 저널기사 Do foreign investors destabilize stock markets? The Korean experience in 1997 미리보기
Hyuk Choe North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
47 저널기사 The sensitivity of CEO wealth to equity risk: An analysis of the magnitude and determinants 미리보기
Guay, Waye R North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
48 저널기사 Capital gains tax rates and the cost of capital for small business: Evidence from the IPO market 미리보기
Guenther, David A North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
49 저널기사 An analysis of value destruction and recovery in the alliance and proposed merger of Volvo and 미리보기
Bruner, Robert F North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
50 저널기사 Odd-eighth avoidance as a defense against SOES bandits 미리보기
Kandel, Eugene North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
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