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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Intangible assets and stock prices in the pre-SEC era 미리보기
Ely, Kirsten;Waymire, Gregory unknown 1999
22 저널기사 (The) Relevance of from 8-K reports 미리보기
Carter, Mary Ellen;Soo, Billy S. unknown 1999
23 저널기사 Internal controls and the detection of management fraud 미리보기
Caplan, Dennis unknown 1999
24 저널기사 On the association between voluntary disclosure and earnings management 미리보기
Kasznik, Ron unknown 1999
25 저널기사 International differences in the timeliness, conservatism, and classfication of earnings 미리보기
Pope, Peter F.;Walker, Martin unknown 1999
26 저널기사 Research on credible financial reporting 1961-99 미리보기
Kinney, William;Libby, Robert unknown 1999
27 저널기사 Risk, return, and moral hazard 미리보기
Demski, Joel S.;Dye, Ronald A. unknown 1999
28 저널기사 What do industry-specialist auditors know? 미리보기
Solomon, Ira;Shields, Michael D.;Whittington, O.Ray unknown 1999
29 저널기사 Auditor attention to and judgments of aggressive financial reporting 미리보기
Phillips, Fred unknown 1999
30 저널기사 Empirical analysis of the economic demand for auditing in the initial public offerings market 미리보기
Willenborg, Michael unknown 1999
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