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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
201 저널기사 A reexamination of price dynamics in the international wheat market 미리보기
Mohanty, S. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 1999
202 저널기사 Open economy and processor oligopoly power effects of beef advertising in Canada 미리보기
Cranfield, J. A. L. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 1999
203 저널기사 Structural econometrics of first-price Auctions: A survey of methods 미리보기
Perrigne, I. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 1999
204 저널기사 An attitudinal revolution in Irish industrial relations: The end of `them and us'? 미리보기
D'Art, Daryl Published by Basil Blackwell for the London School of Economics, etc 1999
205 저널기사 The impact of collective agreements on working time in Denmark 미리보기
Scheuer, Steen Published by Basil Blackwell for the London School of Economics, etc 1999
206 저널기사 Organizing the militants: The Liaison Committee for the Defence of Trade Unions, 1966-1979 미리보기
McIlroy, John Published by Basil Blackwell for the London School of Economics, etc 1999
207 저널기사 Peering into the black hole: The downside of the new employment relations in the UK 미리보기
Guest, David Published by Basil Blackwell for the London School of Economics, etc 1999
208 저널기사 Comsumer's responses to the potential use of bovine somatotrophin in Canadian dairy production 미리보기
KUPERIS, P. A. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 1999
209 저널기사 The erosion of the German system of industrial relations 미리보기
Hassel, Anke Published by Basil Blackwell for the London School of Economics, etc 1999
210 저널기사 Developments in union recognition and derecognition in Britain, 1994-1998 미리보기
Gall, Gregor Published by Basil Blackwell for the London School of Economics, etc 1999
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