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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
233건 중 233건 출력
10/24 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Other Content - Photo Page/ 미리보기
Ho, S G F American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2000
92 저널기사 Other Content - AJR business and subscriber information/ 미리보기
American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2000
93 저널기사 Gastrointestinal Imaging - Prognosis of ischemic colitis: Comparison of color Doppler sonography with early clinical and laboratory findings/ 미리보기
Danse, E M American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2000
94 저널기사 Other Content - American Roentgen Ray Society information/ 미리보기
American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2000
95 저널기사 Genitourinary Imaging - Prostate vascular flow: The effect of ejaculation as revealed on transrectal power Doppler sonography/ 미리보기
Keener, T S American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2000
96 저널기사 Question and Answer - Answer/ 미리보기
Helvie, M A American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2000
97 저널기사 Letters - Reply - The challenges facing radiology education/ 미리보기
McLoud, T C American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2000
98 저널기사 Letters - Reply - Seminomas complicating undescended intraabdominal testes/ 미리보기
Miller, F H American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2000
99 저널기사 Letters - Seminomas complicating undescended intraabdominal testes/ 미리보기
Wolffenbuttel, K P American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2000
100 저널기사 The Practice of Radiology - The job market in diagnostic radiology 1999: Updated findings from a help wanted index of job advertisements/ 미리보기
Covey, A M American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2000
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