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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 COMMUNICATIONS - Study of electron, proton, and swift heavy ion irradiation of n-type germanium using deep level transient spectroscopy/ 미리보기
Colder, A American Institute of Physics 2000
82 저널기사 DIELECTRICS AND FERROELECTRICITY (PACS 77) - Ferroelectric Bi4Ti3O12 thin films on Pt-coated silicon by halide chemical vapor deposition/ 미리보기
Schuisky, Mikael American Institute of Physics 2000
83 저널기사 PLASMAS AND ELECTRICAL DISCHARGES (PACS 51-52) - Power transfer and mode transitions in low-frequency inductively coupled plasmas/ 미리보기
Ostrikov, K N American Institute of Physics 2000
84 저널기사 MAGNETISM AND SUPERCONDUCTIVITY (PACS 74-76) - Alternating current losses in stacked Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10/Ag tapes in perpendicular magnetic fields/ 미리보기
Suenaga, M American Institute of Physics 2000
85 저널기사 STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, THERMODYNAMIC, AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF CONDENSED MATTER (PACS 61-68, 78) - Structure of Nd2Fe14-xSixBHy measured by neutron diffraction/ 미리보기
Chacon, Cyril American Institute of Physics 2000
86 저널기사 STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, THERMODYNAMIC, AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF CONDENSED MATTER (PACS 61-68, 78) - Anomalous temperature dependence of photoluminescence from InAs quantum dots/ 미리보기
Jiang, W H American Institute of Physics 2000
87 저널기사 DEVICE PHYSICS (PACS 85) - Hole diffusion at the recombination junction of thin film tandem solar cells and its effect on the illuminated current-voltage characteristic/ 미리보기
Palit, N American Institute of Physics 2000
88 저널기사 ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT (PACS 71-73) - Metal-to-insulator transition in sputter deposited 3Ni/Al thin films/ 미리보기
Ng, H P American Institute of Physics 2000
89 저널기사 STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, THERMODYNAMIC, AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF CONDENSED MATTER (PACS 61-68, 78) - Bubble dynamics and shock waves generated by laser absorption of a photoacoustic sphere/ 미리보기
Sun, J M American Institute of Physics 2000
90 저널기사 MAGNETISM AND SUPERCONDUCTIVITY (PACS 74-76) - Epitaxial Bi3Fe5O12(001) films grown by pulsed laser deposition and reactive ion beam sputtering techniques/ 미리보기
Adachi, N American Institute of Physics 2000
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