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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
479건 중 479건 출력
48/48 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
471 저널기사 Ingredient-Wise Study of Flux Characteristics in the Ceramic Membrane Filtration of Uncontaminated Synthetic Metalworking Fluids, Part 1: Experimental Investigation of Flux Decline/ 미리보기
Skerlos, Steven J American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2000
472 저널기사 Tissue-Level Thresholds for Axonal Damage in an Experimental Model of Central Nervous System White Matter Injury/ 미리보기
Bain, Allison C American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2000
473 저널기사 Design of a Robust (infinity) PID Control for Industrial Manipulators/ 미리보기
Park, Jonghoon American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2000
474 저널기사 Turbulent Transient Gas Injections/ 미리보기
Ouellette, P American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2000
475 저널기사 Capillary Instability of a Cylindrical Jet With an Elastic Shroud: A Model for the Breakup of an Oxidized Metal Jet/ 미리보기
Haj-Hariri, H American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2000
476 저널기사 Thermodynamic Performance of Ice Thermal Energy Storage Systems/ 미리보기
Rosen, Marc A American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2000
477 저널기사 Localization-Induced Band and Cohesive Model/ 미리보기
Hao, S American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2000
478 저널기사 A Study of the Lubrication Behavior of Solid Lubricants in the Upsetting Process 미리보기
Nakamura, Tamotsu American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2000
479 저널기사 Rise Height for Negatively Buoyant Fountains and Depth of Penetration for Negatively Buoyant Jets Impinging an Interface/ 미리보기
Friedman, P D American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2000
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 
