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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Reflux/Infection - Bioassay Evaluation of Urinary Antibacterial Efficacy of Low Dose Prophylactic Antibiotics in Children With Vesicoureteral Reflux/ 미리보기
Pomeranz, A American Urological Association Inc 2000
42 저널기사 Stones/Ureteroceles - Treatment of Distal Ureteral Stones in Children: Similarities to American Urological Association Guidelines in Adults/ 미리보기
Savage, J G Van American Urological Association Inc 2000
43 저널기사 CLINICAL UROLOGY - Original Articles - Prospective Assessment of Patient Reported Urinary Continence After Radical Prostatectomy/ 미리보기
Wei, J T American Urological Association Inc 2000
44 저널기사 Bladder Function - Dysfunctional Voiding Scoring System: Quantitative Standardization of Dysfunctional Voiding Symptoms in Children/ 미리보기
Farhat, W American Urological Association Inc 2000
45 저널기사 INVESTIGATIVE UROLOGY - Solid-State 13C and 31P NMR Analysis of Urinary Stones/ 미리보기
Bak, M American Urological Association Inc 2000
46 저널기사 Hypospadias - Anatomy of Neurovascular Bundle: Is Safe Mobilization Possible?/ 미리보기
Baskin, L S American Urological Association Inc 2000
47 저널기사 CLINICAL UROLOGY - Original Articles - Endorectal Magnetic Resonance Imaging as Predictor of Biochemical Outcome After Radical Prostatectomy in Men With Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer/ 미리보기
D'Amico, A V American Urological Association Inc 2000
48 저널기사 CLINICAL UROLOGY - Case Reports - Retroperitoneal Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy in Pregnant Woman With Cushing's Syndrome/ 미리보기
Aishima, M American Urological Association Inc 2000
49 저널기사 Neurogenic Bladder - Urological Outcome of Patients With Cervical and Upper Thoracic Myelomeningocele/ 미리보기
P�rez, L M American Urological Association Inc 2000
50 저널기사 CLINICAL UROLOGY - Female Urology - Is Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency Complication of Simple Hysterectomy?/ 미리보기
Morgan, J L American Urological Association Inc 2000
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