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91 저널기사 INVESTIGATIVE UROLOGY - CL1-GFP: Androgen independent Metastatic Tumor Model for Prostate Cancer/ 미리보기
Patel, B J American Urological Association Inc 2000
92 저널기사 CLINICAL UROLOGY - Original Articles - p53 Accumulation Associated With bcl-2, Proliferation Marker MIB-1 and Survival in Patients With Prostate Cancer Subjected to Watchful Waiting/ 미리보기
Borre, M American Urological Association Inc 2000
93 저널기사 CLINICAL UROLOGY - Letters to the Editor - Re: Re: Chemoprevention of Urological Cancer/ 미리보기
Thompson, I M American Urological Association Inc 2000
94 저널기사 CLINICAL UROLOGY - Original Articles - Switching From Intracavernous Prostaglandin E1 Injections to Oral Sildenafil Citrate in Patients With Erectile Dysfunction: Results of Multicenter European Study/ 미리보기
Giuliano, F American Urological Association Inc 2000
95 저널기사 PEDIATRIC UROLOGY - Inhibition of Pressure Induced Bladder Smooth Muscle Cell Hyperplasia Using CRM197/ 미리보기
Haberstroh, K M American Urological Association Inc 2000
96 저널기사 CLINICAL UROLOGY - Original Articles - Editorial: Challenge of Improved Diagnostic and Prognostic Indicators of Superficial Bladder Cancer/ 미리보기
Lamm, D L American Urological Association Inc 2000
97 저널기사 PEDIATRIC UROLOGY - Urodynamic Profile of Myelodysplasia in Children With Spinal Closure During Gestation/ 미리보기
Holzbeierlein, J American Urological Association Inc 2000
98 저널기사 PEDIATRIC UROLOGY - Radical Bulbar Dissection to Correct Severe Chordee and Proximal Hypospadias/ 미리보기
Baker, L A American Urological Association Inc 2000
99 저널기사 INVESTIGATIVE UROLOGY - Cystometric Evaluation of Bladder Function in Nonanesthetized Mice With and Without Bladder Outlet Obstruction/ 미리보기
Pandita, R K American Urological Association Inc 2000
100 저널기사 CLINICAL UROLOGY - Original Articles - Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction: Long-Term Followup of Adults With and Without Surgical Treatment/ 미리보기
Kinn, A-C American Urological Association Inc 2000
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