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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 An Inframarginal Analysis of the Ricardian Model 미리보기
Cheng, W. Blackwell; 1999 2000
22 저널기사 Alternative Monetary Policy Rules for Small Open Economies 미리보기
Froyen, R. Blackwell; 1999 2000
23 저널기사 Generalizing the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem: A Tale of Two Matrices 미리보기
Lloyd, P. Blackwell; 1999 2000
24 저널기사 Trade and Labor Approaches to Wage Inequality 미리보기
Haskel, J. E. Blackwell; 1999 2000
25 저널기사 Fiscal Stabilization in the EMU 미리보기
van Aarle, B. Blackwell; 1999 2000
26 저널기사 Dynamics of Intraindustry Trade and Labor-Market Adjustment 미리보기
Brulhart, M. Blackwell; 1999 2000
27 저널기사 Commodity Prices and the Terms of Trade 미리보기
Bidarkota, P. Blackwell; 1999 2000
28 저널기사 Increasing Returns and International Trade 미리보기
Kemp, M. C. Blackwell; 1999 2000
29 저널기사 Marginal Intraindustry Trade and Labor Adjustment 미리보기
Lovely, M. E. Blackwell; 1999 2000
30 저널기사 Understanding the Welfare Implications of Preferential Trade Agreements 미리보기
Kose, M. A. Blackwell; 1999 2000
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