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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Association - Invited Papers - Using U.S. Bfp/Class III futures contracts in risk reduction strategies for subclasses 5a and 5b milk for further processors/ 미리보기
Turvey, Calum G Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2000
52 저널기사 Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Association - Invited Papers - Export competition in China's agri-food import market: Pattern, assessment, and China's entry into the WTO/ 미리보기
Chen, Kevin Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2000
53 저널기사 Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Association - Invited Papers - The Chinese enigma: Impacts of WTO accession upon Canadian and U.S. exports and imports/ 미리보기
Dong, X-Y Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2000
54 저널기사 Invited Paper - Modeling and measuring productivity in the agri-food sector: Trends, causes and effects/ 미리보기
Paul, Catherine J Morrison Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2000
55 저널기사 Comment and Reply - Import demand for malt in selected countries: A linear approximation of AIDS: Reply/ 미리보기
Satyanarayana, Vidyashankara Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2000
56 저널기사 Canada's agricultural trade policy 미리보기
Veeman, M. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2000
57 저널기사 Genetically modified foods: Consumer issues and the role of information asymmetry 미리보기
Hobbs, J. E. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2000
58 저널기사 Environmental concerns and risks of genetically modified crops: Economic contributions to the debate 미리보기
Mooney, S. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2000
59 저널기사 The agbiotech industry: A U.S.-Canadian perspective 미리보기
Marks, L. A. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2000
60 저널기사 Should Saskatchewan farmland be part of your investment portfolio? 미리보기
Painter, M. J. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2000
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