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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Erratum /// 미리보기
Chapman and Hall 2000
42 저널기사 Lubricious zinc oxide films grown by pulsed laser deposition: Lateral force microscopy of wear surfaces/ 미리보기
Prasad, S V Nainaparampil, J J; Zabinski, J S Chapman and Hall 2000
43 저널기사 Electrical and optical studies on nickel phthalocyanine thin films/ 미리보기
Menon, C S Unni, K N Narayanan Chapman and Hall 2000
44 저널기사 A method of calculating the mechanical properties of nanoscopic plant cell wall components from tissue properties/ 미리보기
Hepworth, D G Bruce, D M Chapman and Hall 2000
45 저널기사 Influence of porosity on the high temperature oxidation of a SiC-reinforced Si3N4 ceramic composite/ 미리보기
Phoomiphakdeephan, W L�ez, H F Chapman and Hall 2000
46 저널기사 Effect of heat treatment on the structure and properties of poly(2,6-benzothiazole) (ABPBT) and poly(2,5-benzoxazole) (ABPBO)/ 미리보기
Wang, Shanfeng Lu, Zhibao; Wu, Pingping; Han, Zhewen Bao, Gaobin; Chapman and Hall 2000
47 저널기사 Fabrication and mechanical properties of silicon carbide-silicon nitride nanocomposites/ 미리보기
Mitomo, M Kim, Young-Wook Chapman and Hall 2000
48 저널기사 AC electrical conductivity of electron beam evaporated Cu-GeO2 thin cermet films 미리보기
Rahman, M H Al-Saie, A M; Beynon, J Chapman and Hall 2000
49 저널기사 A model for the large-strain deformation of polyethylene/ 미리보기
Ritchie, S J K Chapman and Hall 2000
50 저널기사 Water sorption and dielectric relaxation spectroscopy studies in hydrated Nafion(R) (-SO3K) membranes/ 미리보기
Tsonos, C Apekis, L; Pissis, P Chapman and Hall 2000
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