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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Reactive Models of Ore Formation in the Southeast Missouri District/ 미리보기
Appold, Martin S Economic Geology Pub. Co 2000
22 저널기사 Index, Volume 95/ 미리보기
Economic Geology Pub. Co 2000
23 저널기사 Interesting Papers in Other Journals/ 미리보기
Economic Geology Pub. Co 2000
24 저널기사 Reviewers of Books/ 미리보기
Economic Geology Pub. Co 2000
25 저널기사 Fluid Chemistry and Depositional Mechanism of the Epigenetic, Discordant Ores of the Proterozoic, Carbonate-Hosted, Zawarmala Pb-Zn Deposit, Udaipur District, India/ 미리보기
Talluri, Jawahar Kumar Economic Geology Pub. Co 2000
26 저널기사 Introduction /// 미리보기
Meinert, Lawrence D Economic Geology Pub. Co 2000
27 저널기사 Estimation of Fluorine Concentration in Fluids of Mineralized Skarn Systems/ 미리보기
Aksyuk, Anatoly M Economic Geology Pub. Co 2000
28 저널기사 Books Received /// 미리보기
Economic Geology Pub. Co 2000
29 저널기사 Gilt by Association? Origins of Pyritic Gold Ores in the Victory Mesothermal Gold Deposit, Western Australia/ 미리보기
Palin, J M Economic Geology Pub. Co 2000
30 저널기사 Isotope Geochemistry of Ankerite-Bearing Veins Associated with the Coeur d'Alene Mining District, Idaho/ 미리보기
Rosenberg, Philip E Economic Geology Pub. Co 2000
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