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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
383건 중 383건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Transepithelial transport in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis: increased antigen uptake into late endosomes/ 미리보기
Sch�rmann, Guido Elsevier Science Pub 2000
102 저널기사 Short chain fatty acids and colon cancer cell phenotype: the link to chromatin structure/ 미리보기
Meng, Shufen Elsevier Science Pub 2000
103 저널기사 Thrombin inhibition protects the pulmonary xenograft from hyperacute rejection/ 미리보기
Zorn, George L Elsevier Science Pub 2000
104 저널기사 Introduction of an APC mutation in mouse colon cells results in downregulation of the tight junction protein, ZO-1/ 미리보기
Pearson, A Scott Elsevier Science Pub 2000
105 저널기사 Engineered tissue using transfected cells inhibits tumor growth (for surgical oncology category)/ 미리보기
Stephen, Antonia E Elsevier Science Pub 2000
106 저널기사 CNI-1493 prevents induction of endotoxin tolerance by LPS pretreatment in RAW264.7 macrophages/ 미리보기
Clair, Laurel Elsevier Science Pub 2000
107 저널기사 Induction of reperfusion-independent early events in the inflammatory cascade of hemorrhagic shock/ 미리보기
Hierholzer, Christian Elsevier Science Pub 2000
108 저널기사 Effects of vagotomy and atropine on lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced gastroprotection/ 미리보기
Kim, Yong S Elsevier Science Pub 2000
109 저널기사 Cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript stimulates pancreatic exocrine secretion/ 미리보기
Cowles, Robert A Elsevier Science Pub 2000
110 저널기사 Pancreatic reg and a conserved bioactive fragment are mitogenic through the MAPK P38 pathway/ 미리보기
Zenilman, Michael E Elsevier Science Pub 2000
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