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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
383건 중 383건 출력
10/39 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 CDC42 guanosine triphosphatase mediates fibroblast migration after wounding/ 미리보기
Joseph, Hazel L Elsevier Science Pub 2000
92 저널기사 MAdCAM-1 expression in Peyer's patches: a mechanism controlling the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)/ 미리보기
Fukatsu, Kazuhiko Elsevier Science Pub 2000
93 저널기사 CD4 and CD8 cell counts are associated with alterations in FAS and BCL2 expression in critical illness/ 미리보기
Din, Adnan M Elsevier Science Pub 2000
94 저널기사 Priming and activation of peritoneal macrophages in experimental diabetes mellitus/ 미리보기
Lo, Chong-Jeh Elsevier Science Pub 2000
95 저널기사 MMP expression is altered and tumor cell invasiveness increased by carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum/ 미리보기
Puttick, M Elsevier Science Pub 2000
96 저널기사 Angiogenic proteins in the lungs of children after cavopulmonary anastomosis/ 미리보기
Starnes, Sandra L Elsevier Science Pub 2000
97 저널기사 Cholesterol crystal pronucleators in genetically obese mice/ 미리보기
Goldblatt, Matthew I Elsevier Science Pub 2000
98 저널기사 Evaluation of quality of trauma care in a local hospital using a customization of ASCOT/ 미리보기
Moini, Majid Elsevier Science Pub 2000
99 저널기사 Cholestatic livers are apoptotic/ 미리보기
Moazzam, Farnaz N Elsevier Science Pub 2000
100 저널기사 The role of tumor necrosis factor-a in gut mucosal changes after severe burn/ 미리보기
Spies, Marcus Elsevier Science Pub 2000
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