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61 저널기사 STORED-PRODUCT AND QUARANTINE ENTOMOLOGY - Irradiation to Ensure Quarantine Security for Cryptophlebia spp. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Sapindaceous Fruits from Hawaii./ 미리보기
Follett, Peter A Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2000
62 저널기사 APICULTURE AND SOCIAL INSECTS - Live Varroa jacobsoni (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) Fallen from Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Colonies./ 미리보기
Webster, Thomas C Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2000
63 저널기사 BIOLOGICAL AND MICROBIAL CONTROL - Effect of Two Granulosis Viruses on the Activity of the Gypsy Moth (Lepidoptera. Lymantriidae) Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus./ 미리보기
Shapiro, Martin Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2000
64 저널기사 FORUM - Pest Control by the Release of Insects Carrying a Female-Killing Allele on Multiple Loci./ 미리보기
Schliekelman, Paul Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2000
65 저널기사 APICULTURE AND SOCIAL INSECTS - Application of a Modified Selection Index for Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae)./ 미리보기
Engelsdorp, Dennis Van Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2000
66 저널기사 FOREST ENTOMOLOGY - Comparison of Four Trap Types for Ambrosia Beetles (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Brazilian Eucalyptus Stands./ 미리보기
Flechtmann, C A H Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2000
67 저널기사 HORTICULTURAL ENTOMOLOGY - Dusky Sap Beetles (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) and Other Kernel Damaging Insects in Bt and Non-Bt Sweet Corn in Illinois./ 미리보기
Dowd, Patrick F Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2000
68 저널기사 APICULTURE AND SOCIAL INSECTS - Inheritance of Resistance to Acarapis woodi (Acari: Tarsonemidae) in First-Generation Crosses of Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae)./ 미리보기
Danka, Robert G Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2000
69 저널기사 BIOLOGICAL AND MICROBIAL CONTROL - Effect of Selected Insecticides on the Natural Enemies Coleomegilla maculata and Hippodamia convergens (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Geocoris punctipes (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae), and Bracon mellitor, Cardiochiles nigriceps, and Cotesia marginiventris (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Cotton./ 미리보기
Tillman, P G Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2000
70 저널기사 FOREST ENTOMOLOGY - Effect of Diflubenzuron on Flight of Adult Aquatic Insects (Plecoptera, Trichoptera) following Emergence, During the Second Year After Aerial Application./ 미리보기
Griffith, Michael B Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2000
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