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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
111 저널기사 ANNOUNCEMENT - // LEOS Members -- Free Electronic Access via IEEE Xplore/ 미리보기
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2000
112 저널기사 PAPERS - Theory - A Model for Optoelectronically Interconnected Smart Pixel Arrays/ 미리보기
Azadeh, M Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2000
113 저널기사 DIGITAL PAPERS - Low-Power Area-Efficient High-Speed I/O Circuit Techniques/ 미리보기
Lee, M-J E Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2000
114 저널기사 DIGITAL PAPERS - A Dynamic Voltage Scaled Microprocessor System/ 미리보기
Burd, T D Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2000
115 저널기사 MEMORY PAPERS - A 16-Mb 400-MHz Loadless CMOS Four-Transistor SRAM Macro/ 미리보기
Takeda, K Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2000
116 저널기사 MEMORY PAPERS - An 833-MHz 1.5-W 18-Mb CMOS SRAM with 1.67 Gb/s/pin/ 미리보기
Pilo, H Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2000
117 저널기사 MEMORY PAPERS - Introduction to the Memory Section/ 미리보기
Smarandoiu, G Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2000
118 저널기사 PAPERS - Systems - Mitigation of Polarization-Mode Dispersion in Optical Multichannel Systems/ 미리보기
S�rkimukka, S Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2000
119 저널기사 CALLS FOR PAPERS - IEEE T-MTT Special Issue/Jointly Prepared with J-LT: Microwave and Millimeter-wave Photonics/ 미리보기
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2000
120 저널기사 PAPERS - Integrated Optics/Optoelectronics - Design and Fabrication of Silicon Photonic Crystal Optical Waveguides/ 미리보기
Loncar, M Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2000
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