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검색어[키워드 / 전체:JOHN+WILEY]
172건 중 172건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Construction of Protein Binding Sites in Scaffold Structures Published online 31 August 2000/ 미리보기
Liang, S John Wiley & Sons, etc.] 2000
42 저널기사 The Distribution of End-to-End Distances of the Weakly Bending Rod Model Published online 31 August 2000/ 미리보기
Schurr, J M John Wiley & Sons, etc.] 2000
43 저널기사 Lysozyme Extraction from Egg White Using Reverse Micelles in a Graesser Contactor: Mass Transfer Characterization/ 미리보기
Jarudilokkul, S John Wiley & Sons[etc.] 2000
44 저널기사 Use of Holographic Laser Interferometry to Study the Diffusion of Polymers in Gels/ 미리보기
Roger, P John Wiley & Sons[etc.] 2000
45 저널기사 Regioselectivity of Enzymatic Glycosylation of 6-O-Acyl Glycosides in Supersaturated Solutions/ 미리보기
MacManus, D A John Wiley & Sons[etc.] 2000
46 저널기사 Comparison of Methods for Thermolysin-Catalyzed Peptide Synthesis Including a Novel More Active Catalyst/ 미리보기
Ulijn, R V John Wiley & Sons[etc.] 2000
47 저널기사 COMMUNICATIONS TO THE EDITOR - Adsorption of Trichoderma reesei CBHI Cellulase on Silanized Silica/ 미리보기
Suvajittanont, W John Wiley & Sons[etc.] 2000
48 저널기사 Degradation of Organophosphorous Nerve Agents by Enzyme-Polymer Nanocomposites: Efficient Biocatalytic Materials for Personal Protection and Large-Scale Detoxification Published online 14 September 2000/ 미리보기
Gill, I John Wiley & Sons[etc.] 2000
49 저널기사 Studies Related to the Scale-Up of High-Cell-Density E. coli Fed-Batch Fermentations Using Multiparameter Flow Cytometry: Effect of a Changing Microenvironment with Respect to Glucose and Dissolved Oxygen Concentration Published online 14 September 2000/ 미리보기
Hewitt, C J John Wiley & Sons[etc.] 2000
50 저널기사 COMMUNICATIONS TO THE EDITOR - The Inhibition of Escherichia coli lac Operon Gene Expression by Antigene Oligonucleotides -- Mathematical Modeling Published online 21 September 2000/ 미리보기
Cheng, B John Wiley & Sons[etc.] 2000
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