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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 NEUROPHARMACOLOGY - Muscarinic Cholinergic Modulation of Prepulse Inhibition of the Acoustic Startle Reflex/ 미리보기
Jones, Carrie K Williams & Wilkins 2000
102 저널기사 CARDIOVASCULAR - Interactions of the 5-Hydroxytryptamine 3 Antagonist Class of Antiemetic Drugs with Human Cardiac Ion Channels/ 미리보기
Kuryshev, Yuri A Williams & Wilkins 2000
103 저널기사 GASTROINTESTINAL, HEPATIC, PULMONARY, AND RENAL - Excitatory and Inhibitory Actions of Isoprostanes in Human and Canine Airway Smooth Muscle/ 미리보기
Janssen, Luke J Williams & Wilkins 2000
104 저널기사 GASTROINTESTINAL, HEPATIC, PULMONARY, AND RENAL - Induction of Cyclooxygenase-2 in Rat Gastric Mucosa by Rebamipide, a Mucoprotective Agent/ 미리보기
Sun, Wei-Hao Williams & Wilkins 2000
105 저널기사 CARDIOVASCULAR - Rationale for the Combination of PGE1 and S-Nitroso-glutathione to Induce Relaxation of Human Penile Smooth Muscle/ 미리보기
Angulo, Javier Williams & Wilkins 2000
106 저널기사 ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION, METABOLISM, AND EXCRETION - Tasosartan, Enoltasosartan, and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockade: The Confounding Role of Protein Binding/ 미리보기
Maillard, Marc P Williams & Wilkins 2000
107 저널기사 CARDIOVASCULAR - Prevention of Arterial Thrombosis by Intravenously Administered Platelet P2T Receptor Antagonist AR-C69931MX in a Canine Model/ 미리보기
Huang, Jinbao Williams & Wilkins 2000
108 저널기사 INFLAMMATION - The CXC Chemokine Receptor 2, CXCR2, Is the Putative Receptor for ELR+ CXC Chemokine-Induced Angiogenic Activity/ 미리보기
Addison, Christina L Williams & Wilkins 2000
109 저널기사 CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY - Human Double-Negative T Cells in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Provide Help for IgG and Are Restricted by CD1c/ 미리보기
Sieling, Peter A Williams & Wilkins 2000
110 저널기사 CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY AND IMMUNE REGULATION - Regulation of Cell Surface Expression of CTLA-4 by Secretion of CTLA-4-Containing Lysosomes Upon Activation of CD4+ T Cells/ 미리보기
Iida, Tomohiko Williams & Wilkins 2000
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