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101 저널기사 Thapsigargin and dimethyl sulfoxide activate medium P~i ↔ HOH oxygen exchange catalyzed by sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca^2^+-ATPase 미리보기
Seekoe, T.; Peall, S.; McIntosh, D. B. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
102 저널기사 Phase behavior, DNA ordering, and size instability of cationic lipoplexes. Relevance to optimal transfection activity 미리보기
Simberg, D.; Danino, D.; Talmon, Y.; Minsky, A.; Ferrari, M. E.; Wheeler, C. J.; Barenholz, Y. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
103 저널기사 Poxvirus infection rapidly activates tyrosine kinase signal transduction 미리보기
Masters, J.; Hinek, A. A.; Uddin, S.; Platanias, L. C.; Zeng, W.; McFadden, G.; Fish, E. N. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
104 저널기사 Sensitivity of mammalian cells expressing mutant ubiquitin to protein-damaging agents 미리보기
Tsirigotis, M.; Zhang, M.; Chiu, R. K.; Wouters, B. G.; Gray, D. A. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
105 저널기사 Human sex reversal due to impaired nuclear localization of SRY. A clinical correlation 미리보기
Li, B.; Zhang, W.; Chan, G.; Jancso-Radek, A.; Liu, S.; Weiss, M. A. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
106 저널기사 Regulation of formyl peptide receptor agonist affinity by reconstitution with arrestins and heterotrimeric G proteins 미리보기
Key, T. A.; Bennett, T. A.; Foutz, T. D.; Gurevich, V. V.; Sklar, L. A.; Prossnitz, E. R. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
107 저널기사 A response calculus for immobilized T cell receptor ligands 미리보기
Andersen, P. S.; Menne, C.; Mariuzza, R. A.; Geisler, C.; Karjalainen, K. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
108 저널기사 hTid-1, a human DnaJ protein, modulates the interferon signaling pathway 미리보기
Sarkar, S.; Pollack, B. P.; Lin, K.-T.; Kotenko, S. V.; Cook, J. R.; Lewis, A.; Pestka, S. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
109 저널기사 Diabetes-related changes in cAMP response element-binding protein content enhance smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration 미리보기
Watson, P. A.; Nesterova, A.; Burant, C. F.; Klemm, D. J.; Reusch, J. E.-B. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
110 저널기사 cAMP response element-binding protein content is a molecular determinant of smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration 미리보기
Klemm, D. J.; Watson, P. A.; Frid, M. G.; Dempsey, E. C.; Schaack, J.; Colton, L. A.; Nesterova, A.; Stenmark, K. R.; Reusch, J. E.-B. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
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