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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Growth Dynamics and Returns to Scale: Bifurcation Analysis 미리보기
Antinolfi, G. ACADEMIC PR 2001
42 저널기사 Optimal Environmental Management in the Presence of Irreversibilities 미리보기
Scheinkman, J. A. ACADEMIC PR 2001
43 저널기사 Ex Post Efficiency in the Buyer's Bid Double Auction When Demand Can Be Arbitrarily Larger Than Supply 미리보기
Zacharias, E. ACADEMIC PR 2001
44 저널기사 Potential Games with Continuous Player Sets 미리보기
Sandholm, W. H. ACADEMIC PR 2001
45 저널기사 High Bids and Broke Winners 미리보기
Zheng, C. Z. ACADEMIC PR 2001
46 저널기사 Conflict and Cooperation. The Structure of Equilibrium Payoffs in Common Agency 미리보기
Laussel, D. ACADEMIC PR 2001
47 저널기사 On Credible Monetary Policy and Private Government Information 미리보기
Sleet, C. ACADEMIC PR 2001
48 저널기사 Payments Systems Design in Deterministic and Private Information Environments 미리보기
Temzelides, T. ACADEMIC PR 2001
49 저널기사 A Model of Financial Fragility 미리보기
Lagunoff, R. ACADEMIC PR 2001
50 저널기사 Private and Public Circulating Liabilities 미리보기
Azariadis, C. ACADEMIC PR 2001
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