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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
66건 중 66건 출력
7/7 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Impact of Ownership and Competition on the Productivity of Chinese Enterprises 미리보기
Zhang, A. Academic Press; 1999 2001
62 저널기사 Small Economies Adjustment to Global Tendencies. Edited by Zoltan Bara and Laszlo Csaba 미리보기
van Brabant, J. M. Academic Press; 1999 2001
63 저널기사 Ownership, Government R&D, Private R&D, and Productivity in Chinese Industry 미리보기
Hu, A. G. Academic Press; 1999 2001
64 저널기사 Weathering the Storm: Taiwan, Its Neighbors, and the Asian Financial Crisis. Edited by Peter C. Y. Chow and Bates Gill 미리보기
Noland, M. Academic Press; 1999 2001
65 저널기사 Biased Technical Change, Growth Accounting, and the Conundrum of the East Asian Miracle 미리보기
Felipe, J. Academic Press; 1999 2001
66 저널기사 Testing for Ongoing Convergence in Transition Economies, 1970 to 1998 미리보기
Estrin, S.; Urga, G.; Lazarova, S. Academic Press; 1999 2001
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