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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
491 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: - Technical Note: Therapeutic Cessation of Lactation of Staphylococcus aureus-Infected Mammary Quarters/ 미리보기
Middleton, J R American Dairy Science Association 2001
492 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: - Sensitivity and Specificity of Somatic Cell Count and California Mastitis Test for Identifying Intramammary Infection in Early Lactation/ 미리보기
Sargeant, J M American Dairy Science Association 2001
493 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: - Bovine Mammary Immune Response to an Experimental Intramammary Infection with a Staphylococcus aureus Strain Containing a Gene for Staphylococcal Enterotoxin C1/ 미리보기
Ebling, T L American Dairy Science Association 2001
494 저널기사 NUTRITION, FEEDING, AND CALVES: - Formulation of Colostrum Supplements and Acquisition of Passive Immunity in Neonatal Calves/ 미리보기
Quigley, J D American Dairy Science Association 2001
495 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: - Environmental Gram-Positive Mastitis Treatment: In Vitro Sensitivity and Bacteriologic Cure/ 미리보기
Cattell, M B American Dairy Science Association 2001
496 저널기사 NUTRITION, FEEDING, AND CALVES: - Effects of Prepartum Dry Matter Intake and Forage Percentage on Postpartum Performance of Lactating Dairy Cows/ 미리보기
Holcomb, C S American Dairy Science Association 2001
497 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: - The Effects of Frequency of Feeding a Total Mixed Ration on the Production and Behavior of Dairy Cows/ 미리보기
Phillips, C J C American Dairy Science Association 2001
498 저널기사 NUTRITION, FEEDING, AND CALVES: - Diurnal Variation in pH Reduces Digestion and Synthesis of Microbial Protein when Pasture is Fermented in Continuous Culture/ 미리보기
Veth, M J de American Dairy Science Association 2001
499 저널기사 GENETICS AND BREEDING: - Implementation of a Routine Genetic Evaluation for Longevity Based on Survival Analysis Techniques in Dairy Cattle Populations in Switzerland/ 미리보기
Vukasinovic, N American Dairy Science Association 2001
500 저널기사 DAIRY FOODS: - Mild Isolation Procedure Discloses New Protein Structural Properties of b-Lactoglobulin/ 미리보기
Jongh, H H J de American Dairy Science Association 2001
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