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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: - A Longitudinal Field Trial of the Effect of Biotin on Lameness in Dairy Cows/ 미리보기
Hedges, J American Dairy Science Association 2001
62 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: - The Relationship Between Milk Yield and the Incidence of Some Diseases in Dairy Cows/ 미리보기
Fleischer, P American Dairy Science Association 2001
63 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: - Evaluation of a Systemic Antibiotic Treatment of Toxic Puerperal Metritis in Dairy Cows/ 미리보기
Drillich, M American Dairy Science Association 2001
64 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: - The Effect of Lameness on Milk Production in Dairy Cows/ 미리보기
Warnick, L D American Dairy Science Association 2001
65 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: - Dexamethasone Influences Endocrine and Ovarian Function in Dairy Cattle/ 미리보기
Maciel, S M American Dairy Science Association 2001
66 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: - Detection of Mycoplasma bovis in Preservative-Treated Field Milk Samples/ 미리보기
Pinnow, C C American Dairy Science Association 2001
67 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: - Effects of Naloxone on Calcium Turnover in Cows Affected by Milk Fever/ 미리보기
Sciorsci, R L American Dairy Science Association 2001
68 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: Forecasting Herd Structure and Milk Production for Production Risk Management/ 미리보기
St-Pierre, N R American Dairy Science Association 2001
69 저널기사 Saturday, July 28, 2001 - ASAS/ADSA Production, Management, and Environment: Waste Management for Beef and Swine; Reproductive Practices and Measures/ 미리보기
American Dairy Science Association 2001
70 저널기사 Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - PSA Environment and Management: Pullets, Hens, and Eggs/ 미리보기
American Dairy Science Association 2001
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