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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: - Short Communication: Effects of Increased Expression of a-Lactalbumin in Transgenic Mice on Milk Yield and Pup Growth/ 미리보기
Boston, W S American Dairy Science Association 2001
82 저널기사 NUTRITION, FEEDING, AND CALVES: - Accuracy and Precision of Computer Models to Predict Passage of Crude Protein and Amino Acids to the Duodenum of Lactating Cows/ 미리보기
Bateman II, H G American Dairy Science Association 2001
83 저널기사 GENETICS AND BREEDING: - Bayesian Inference for Categorical Traits with an Application to Variance Component Estimation/ 미리보기
Luo, M F American Dairy Science Association 2001
84 저널기사 DAIRY FOODS: - Isolation, Characterization, and Influence of Native, Nonstarter Lactic Acid Bacteria on Cheddar Cheese Quality/ 미리보기
Swearingen, P A American Dairy Science Association 2001
85 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: An Alternative AI Breeding Protocol for Dairy Cows Exposed to Elevated Ambient Temperatures before or after Calving or Both/ 미리보기
Cartmill, J A American Dairy Science Association 2001
86 저널기사 NUTRITION, FEEDING, AND CALVES: Evaluation of Alternative Algorithms Used to Simulate Pasture Intake in Grazing Dairy Cows/ 미리보기
Vazquez, O P American Dairy Science Association 2001
87 저널기사 NUTRITION, FEEDING, AND CALVES: Supplemental Dietary Protein for Grazing Dairy Cows: Effect on Pasture Intake and Lactation Performance/ 미리보기
McCormick, M E American Dairy Science Association 2001
88 저널기사 NUTRITION, FEEDING, AND CALVES: - Effects of Alcohol Ethoxylate and Pluronic Detergents on the Development of Pasture Bloat in Cattle and Sheep/ 미리보기
Stanford, K American Dairy Science Association 2001
89 저널기사 PHYSIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: - Cell Subpopulations and Cytokine Expression in Cow Milk in Response to Chronic Staphylococcus aureus Infection/ 미리보기
Riollet, C American Dairy Science Association 2001
90 저널기사 NUTRITION, FEEDING, AND CALVES: - The Effect of Lactobacillus buchneri and Other Additives on the Fermentation and Aerobic Stability of Barley Silage/ 미리보기
Kung Jr, L American Dairy Science Association 2001
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