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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
181 저널기사 In situ transmission electron microscopy study of Ni silicide phases formed on (001) Si active lines/ 미리보기
Teodorescu, V American Institute of Physics 2001
182 저널기사 Magnetic entropy change in La0.54Ca0.32MnO3-d/ 미리보기
Xu, Q Y American Institute of Physics 2001
183 저널기사 Polarization-resolved linewidth-power product of a vertical-cavity semiconductor laser/ 미리보기
Willemsen, M B American Institute of Physics 2001
184 저널기사 Erratum: "Stress calculation in atomistic simulations of perfect and imperfect solids" (J. Appl. Phys. 89, 99 (2001))/ 미리보기
Cormier, J American Institute of Physics 2001
185 저널기사 Effects of ultraviolet and thermal pretreatment on the formation of self-written x(2) gratings and optical damage/ 미리보기
Blazkiewicz, Paul American Institute of Physics 2001
186 저널기사 Electrostatic probe diagnostics of a planar-type radio-frequency inductively coupled oxygen plasma/ 미리보기
Seo, D C American Institute of Physics 2001
187 저널기사 High-transmittance surface textures formed by plasma etching of metallophthalocyanine films/ 미리보기
Sakata, Hajime American Institute of Physics 2001
188 저널기사 Temperature dependence of electric-field induced photoluminescence from an InGaN-based light-emitting diode/ 미리보기
Kudo, Hiromitsu American Institute of Physics 2001
189 저널기사 Growth of Si0.75Ge0.25 alloy layers grown on Si(001) substrates using step-graded short-period (Sim/Gen)N superlattices/ 미리보기
Rahman, M M American Institute of Physics 2001
190 저널기사 Determination of processing damage in thin polycrystalline Ir films using Bragg-peak fringe analysis/ 미리보기
Saenger, K L American Institute of Physics 2001
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