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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
515건 중 500건 출력
5/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Original articles - CLINICAL SCIENCE - Anterior capsular contraction after cataract surgery in eyes of diabetic patients/ 미리보기
Kato, S British Medical Association 2001
42 저널기사 Original articles - CLINICAL SCIENCE - The Bhaktapur eye study: Ocular trauma and antibiotic prophylaxis for the prevention of corneal ulceration in Nepal/ 미리보기
Upadhyay, M P British Medical Association 2001
43 저널기사 Original articles - CLINICAL SCIENCE - X linked dominant congenital isolated bilateral ptosis: The definition and characterisation of a new condition/ 미리보기
McMullan, T F W British Medical Association 2001
44 저널기사 Original articles - CLINICAL SCIENCE - Short term wear of high Dk soft contact lenses does not alter corneal epithelial cell size or viability/ 미리보기
Stapleton, F British Medical Association 2001
45 저널기사 Original articles - LABORATORY SCIENCE - The specific architecture of the anterior stroma accounts for maintenance of corneal curvature/ 미리보기
M�ller, L J British Medical Association 2001
46 저널기사 Editorials - Journal Impact Factors for 1999/ 미리보기
Britton, J British Medical Association 2001
47 저널기사 Scientific correspondence - Correlation between central corneal thickness, applanation tonometry, and direct intracameral IOP readings/ 미리보기
Feltgen, N British Medical Association 2001
48 저널기사 Original articles - LABORATORY SCIENCE - Computer algorithms for the automated measurement of retinal arteriolar diameters/ 미리보기
Chapman, N British Medical Association 2001
49 저널기사 Original articles - CLINICAL SCIENCE - Sensitivity and specificity of a new scoring system for diabetic macular oedema detection using a confocal laser imaging system/ 미리보기
Tong, L British Medical Association 2001
50 저널기사 Original articles - CLINICAL SCIENCE - Slope analysis of the optic disc in eyes with ocular hypertension and early normal tension glaucoma by confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope/ 미리보기
Dong, J British Medical Association 2001
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