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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Clinical Investigations - Electrophysiology - Single-day loading dose of oral amiodarone for the prevention of new-onset atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass surgery/ 미리보기
Maras, Dejan C. V. Mosby Co 2001
62 저널기사 Clinical Investigations - Acute Ischemic Heart Disease - Lower-dose heparin with fibrinolysis is associated with lower rates of intracranial hemorrhage/ 미리보기
Giugliano, Robert P C. V. Mosby Co 2001
63 저널기사 Clinical Investigations - Electrophysiology - Acute effects of melatonin administration on cardiovascular autonomic regulation in healthy men/ 미리보기
Nishiyama, Koichi C. V. Mosby Co 2001
64 저널기사 Clinical Investigations - Interventional Cardiology - Prognostic value of absolute versus relative measures of the procedural result after successful coronary stenting: Importance of vessel size in predicting long-term freedom from target vessel revascularization/ 미리보기
Ziada, Khaled M C. V. Mosby Co 2001
65 저널기사 Clinical Investigations - Interventional Cardiology - Dalteparin in combination with abciximab during percutaneous coronary intervention/ 미리보기
Kereiakes, Dean J C. V. Mosby Co 2001
66 저널기사 Clinical Investigations - Interventional Cardiology - Rheolytic thrombectomy during percutaneous revascularization for acute myocardial infarction: Experience with the AngioJet catheter/ 미리보기
Silva, Jose A C. V. Mosby Co 2001
67 저널기사 LETTERS TO THE EDITORS - Benefits of laparoscopy/ 미리보기
Parker, William H C.V. Mosby Co 2001
68 저널기사 LETTERS TO THE EDITORS - Controversies in ovarian cancer/ 미리보기
Pejovic, Tanja C.V. Mosby Co 2001
69 저널기사 READER SERVICE - Items/ 미리보기
C.V. Mosby Co 2001
70 저널기사 LETTERS TO THE EDITORS - We, specialists in vulvovaginitis/ 미리보기
Donders, Gilbert C.V. Mosby Co 2001
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