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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 A Preliminary Study Estimating an Intra-National Economy Diffusion Equation for Automated Teller Machines Using Panel Data 미리보기
Nadler, M. A.;Kristoff, J.;Fortney, L. Economics Society International 2001
42 저널기사 Privatization in Southern European Economies: Success or Failure? 미리보기
Mirmirani, S.;Li, H. C. Economics Society International 2001
43 저널기사 World Equity Markets: 1970-2000 미리보기
Metghalchi, M.;Chang, Y.-H. Economics Society International 2001
44 저널기사 Do the Characteristics of Tourist Destinations Matter? An Empirical Economic Analysis 미리보기
Seddighi, H. R.;Theocharous, A. L.;Nuttall, M. W. Economics Society International 2001
45 저널기사 The Use of Cost and Maximum Time to Completion in Project Analysis under Uncertainty 미리보기
Godinho, P. C.;Costa, J. P. Economics Society International 2001
46 저널기사 Microeconomic Reform and Competition Policy in Australia: the Nationwide Response 미리보기
Ardagh, A. Economics Society International 2001
47 저널기사 Commercial Bank Interest Margins and Profitability: Evidence for Some EU Countries 미리보기
Abreu, M.;Mendes, V. Economics Society International 2001
48 저널기사 A Model of the Virtual Organisation and Implications for Effective Management: An Empirical Analysis 미리보기
Seddighi, H. R.;Sandhu, M.;Bagher, M. Economics Society International 2001
49 저널기사 Women Entrepreneurs during Poland's Transition 미리보기
Leven, B. Economics Society International 2001
50 저널기사 Contract Enforcement: Mexico versus Postsocialist Countries 미리보기
Zukowski, R. Economics Society International 2001
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