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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry - Square-Wave Voltammetry of ClO4-Doped Poly(phenylenesulfidephenyleneamine)/ 미리보기
Li, G Electrochemical Society 2001
72 저널기사 Semiconductor Devices, Materials, and Processing - Etch Characteristics of Cr by Using Cl2/O2 Gas Mixtures with Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma/ 미리보기
Kang, S-Y Electrochemical Society 2001
73 저널기사 Semiconductor Devices, Materials, and Processing - Investigation of Polycrystalline Nickel Silicide Films as a Gate Material/ 미리보기
Qin, M Electrochemical Society 2001
74 저널기사 Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry - The Structure and Electrochemical Behavior of Nitrogen-Containing Nanocrystalline Diamond Films Deposited from CH4/N2/Ar Mixtures/ 미리보기
Chen, Q Electrochemical Society 2001
75 저널기사 Semiconductor Devices, Materials, and Processing - Kinetic and Diffusional Aspects of the Dissolution of Si in HF Solutions/ 미리보기
Meerakker, J E A M van den Electrochemical Society 2001
76 저널기사 Batteries and Energy Conversion - The Influence of H2O2 on the Adsorption and Oxidation of CO on Pt Electrodes in Sulfuric Acid Solution/ 미리보기
Schmidt, V M Electrochemical Society 2001
77 저널기사 Semiconductor Devices, Materials, and Processing - Evolution of the Cu-Al Alloy/SiO2 Interfaces during Bias Temperature Stressing/ 미리보기
Wang, P I Electrochemical Society 2001
78 저널기사 Semiconductor Devices, Materials, and Processing - Modeling of Silicon Dioxide Chemical Vapor Deposition from Tetraethoxysilane and Ozone/ 미리보기
Romet, S Electrochemical Society 2001
79 저널기사 Batteries and Energy Conversion - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Voltammetry Studies of Carbon Monoxide Adsorption and Oxidation on a Carbon-Supported Platinum Fuel Cell Electrocatalyst/ 미리보기
Rush, B M Electrochemical Society 2001
80 저널기사 Sensors and Displays: Principles, Materials, and Processing - Optical and Structural Characterization of Erbium-Doped TiO2 Xerogel Films Processed on Porous Anodic Alumina/ 미리보기
Gaponenko, N V Electrochemical Society 2001
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