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31 저널기사 Alternatively folded choriogonadotropin analogs. Implications for hormone folding and biological activity 미리보기
Xing, Y.; Lin, W.; Jiang, M.; Myers, R. V.; Cao, D.; Bernard, M. P.; Moyle, W. R. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
32 저널기사 T cell regulation of p62^d^o^k (Dok1) association with Crk-L 미리보기
Martelli, M. P.; Boomer, J.; Bu, M.; Bierer, B. E. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
33 저널기사 Reversible inhibition of calcineurin by the polyphenolie aldehyde gossypol 미리보기
Baumgrass, R.; Weiwad, M.; Erdmann, F.; Liu, J. O.; Wunderlich, D.; Grabley, S.; Fischer, G. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
34 저널기사 High pressure refolding of recombinant human growth hormone from insoluble aggregates. Structural transformations, kinetic barriers, and energetics 미리보기
StJohn, R. J.; Carpenter, J. F.; Balny, C.; Randolph, T. W. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
35 저널기사 The enzymatic and DNA binding activity of PARP-1 are not required for NF-kappaB coactivator function 미리보기
Hassa, P. O.; Covic, M.; Hasan, S.; Imhof, R.; Hottiger, M. O. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
36 저널기사 Human cofilin forms oligomers exhibiting actin bundling activity 미리보기
Pfannstiel, J.; Cyrklaff, M.; Habermann, A.; Stoeva, S.; Griffiths, G.; Shoeman, R.; Faulstich, H. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
37 저널기사 Double prenylation by RabGGTase can proceed without dissociation of the mono-prenylated intermediate 미리보기
Thoma, N. H.; Niculae, A.; Goody, R. S.; Alexandrov, K. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
38 저널기사 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor-coupled gene network organization 미리보기
Wurmbach, E.; Yuen, T.; Ebersole, B. J.; Sealfon, S. C. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
39 저널기사 C-terminal periplasmic domain of Escherichia coli quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase transfers electrons to ubiquinone 미리보기
Elias, M. D.; Tanaka, M.; Sakai, M.; Toyama, H.; Matsushita, K.; Adachi, O.; Yamada, M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
40 저널기사 Differential effects of HIV-1 protease inhibitors on dendritic cell immunophenotype and function 미리보기
Gruber, A.; Wheat, J. C.; Kuhen, K. L.; Looney, D. J.; Wong-Staal, F. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
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