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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
61,186건 중 500건 출력
48/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2001 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
471 저널기사 POLICY FEATURE - Reducing Child Poverty in Britain: An Assessment of Government Policy 1997-2001/ 미리보기
Sutherland, H Macmillan 2001
472 저널기사 BOOK REVIEWS - Trade Warriors: States, Firms, and Strategic-Trade Policy in High-Technology Competition/ 미리보기
Busch, Marc L Macmillan 2001
473 저널기사 Menopause-associated problems: types and magnitude. A study in the Ain Al-Basha area, Jordan/ 미리보기
Al-Qutob, Raeda Blackwell Scientific Publ 2001
474 저널기사 CLINICAL VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY - Outbreak of Subclinical Mastitis in a Flock of Dairy Sheep Associated with Burkholderia cepacia Complex Infection/ 미리보기
Berriatua, E American Society for Microbiology 2001
475 저널기사 BACTERIOLOGY - Multicenter Evaluation of the BDProbeTec ET System for Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Urine Specimens, Female Endocervical Swabs, and Male Urethral Swabs/ 미리보기
Pol, Barbara Van Der American Society for Microbiology 2001
476 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Definition of a Divergent Epitope That Allows Differential Detection of Early Protein p4l from Human Herpesvirus 6 Variants A and B/ 미리보기
Xu, Yunhe American Society for Microbiology 2001
477 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Monitoring the Emergence of Hepatitis B Virus Polymerase Gene Variants during Lamivudine Therapy Using the LightCycler/ 미리보기
Whalley, Simon A American Society for Microbiology 2001
478 저널기사 HORTICULTURAL ENTOMOLOGY - Economic Thresholds for Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Citrus clementina./ 미리보기
Mendoza, A Hermoso De Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2001
479 저널기사 BACTERIOLOGY - Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates to Hydrogel Contact Lens Disinfection Correlates with Cytotoxic Activity/ 미리보기
Lakkis, Carol American Society for Microbiology 2001
480 저널기사 CLINICAL VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY - Expression and Self-Assembly in Baculovirus of Porcine Enteric Calicivirus Capsids into Virus-Like Particles and Their Use in an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Antibody Detection in Swine/ 미리보기
Guo, Mingzhang American Society for Microbiology 2001
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 
