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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Full-Time versus Part-Time Employees: Understanding the Links between Work Status, the Psychological Contract, and Attitudes 미리보기
Conway, N.; Briner, R. B. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
42 저널기사 Alternative Approaches for Measuring Values: Direct and Indirect Assessments in Performance Prediction 미리보기
Mumford, M. D.; Connelly, M. S.; Helton, W. B.; Van Doorn, J. R.; Osburn, H. K. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
43 저널기사 Goal Importance and Related Achievement Beliefs and Emotions during the Transition from Vocational School to Work: Antecedents and Consequences 미리보기
Nurmi, J.-E.; Salmela-Aro, K.; Koivisto, P. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
44 저널기사 Preparation for the School-to-Work Transition: The Views of High School Students 미리보기
Phillips, S. D.; Blustein, D. L.; Jobin-Davis, K.; White, S. F. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
45 저널기사 Social Exclusion and the Transition from School to Work: The Case of Young People Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET) 미리보기
Bynner, J.; Parsons, S. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
46 저널기사 Commentary: At Last Research on Career Development in a Developmental-Contextual Fashion 미리보기
Silbereisen, R. K. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
47 저널기사 Holland Type as a Moderator of Personality-Performance Predictions 미리보기
Fritzsche, B. A.; McIntire, S. A.; Yost, A. P. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
48 저널기사 Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment to the Organization: A Meta-analysis of Antecedents, Correlates, and Consequences 미리보기
Meyer, J. P.; Stanley, D. J.; Herscovitch, L.; Topolnytsky, L. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
49 저널기사 Implementing Realistic Job Previews and Expectation-Lowering Procedures: A Field Experiment 미리보기
Buckley, M. R.; Mobbs, T. A.; Mendoza, J. L.; Novicevic, M. M.; Carraher, S. M.; Beu, D. S. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
50 저널기사 A Person-Centered Approach to P-E Fit Questions Using a Multiple-Trait Model 미리보기
De Fruyt, F. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
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