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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
485건 중 485건 출력
3/49 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 The Economics of Knowledge Production: Funding and Structure of University Research 미리보기
Llerena, P. ELSEVIER 2002
22 저널기사 Public infrastructure investments, productivity and welfare in fixed geographic areas 미리보기
Haughwout, A. F. ELSEVIER 2002
23 저널기사 The desirability of commodity taxation under non-linear income taxation and heterogeneous tastes 미리보기
Saez, E. ELSEVIER 2002
24 저널기사 Continental, national and sub-national innovation systems-complementarity and economic growth 미리보기
Freeman, C. ELSEVIER 2002
25 저널기사 Rent vouchers and the price of low-income housing 미리보기
Susin, S. ELSEVIER 2002
26 저널기사 Individual preferences for political redistribution 미리보기
Corneo, G.; Gruner, H. P. ELSEVIER 2002
27 저널기사 Ability tracking, school competition, and the distribution of educational benefits 미리보기
Epple, D.; Newlon, E.; Romano, R. ELSEVIER 2002
28 저널기사 Collusion-proof yardstick competition 미리보기
Tangeras, T. P. ELSEVIER 2002
29 저널기사 Free riding and the provision of candy bars 미리보기
Haan, M.; Kooreman, P. ELSEVIER 2002
30 저널기사 The incidence of income tax on wages and labour supply 미리보기
Bingley, P.; Lanot, G. ELSEVIER 2002
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
